Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Under Attack

So if any of you are my close friends you know that last week I spilled boiling water all over myself. Yes, I was making hot chocolate. And yes, I will never make hot chocolate again.

Pretty much my hands are covered in burn spots, but the worst is my thumb. My left thumb has a GIANT blister. It takes up about half of my thumb so I call it The Phantom of the Opera because I like to think I'm clever. 

Then just this morning I woke up with no joke twenty bug bites alll over my feet and ankles!! Ughhhhh, I will spare your eyes the pictures. 

My body is under ruthless attack. It's alright though I will prevail. Hahah, bless my soul. 

Happyish Tuesday sincerely,

Sacbbed, burned, & bitten

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