Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Harry Potter Tag

Some of you probably don't know this but I'm obsessed with this youtuber named Ginger Wesson. She's hilarious and she loves Harry Potter, so of course I love her. She recently put up a video of her asking all her opinion on the Harry Potter series so I thought I'm bored! Let's give it a shot.

Your favorite book? 

My favorite book would probably be the last book: The deathly hollows. I feel like I could see everything coming together. I looooved it even though it was so sad!

Favorite movie?

The Prisoner of Azkaban. I freakin love Hermione and I loved her role with the time turner. Obessed. 

Least favorite book?
Definitely Order of the Phoenix. It was just soooo long. I wanted Umbridge to just die. She's terrible. Ugh.

Parts that made you cry? 

When Fred dies. So many tears 

If you could date any Harry Potter character who would it be?

You may be surprised, but I have a huge crush on Malfoy. Haha, sue me.

Favorite character?

Hermione obv. McGonagall is a close second though.

What would your patronus be? 

I'd like to say a fox, but who really knows.

If you could have the resurrection stone, invisibility cloak, or the elder wand which one would you choose?

The invisibility cloak DUH. Did we not learn anything from the three brothers.

What house would you be in?

Well I think gryfffindor. But pottermore thinks ravenclaw. Take your pick. 

If you could meet any member of the cast who would it be?

Emma Watson. She is Queen.

Have you played any of the video games?

Um yes. I beat the video game thank you very much. I was actually asked to my very first high school dance while playing my Harry Potter video game. Remember that Jaylee?? 

If you were on the quidditch team what position would you play?

Seeker. I'd rather be fast and on the lookout than being whacked by fast moving objects. 

Were you happy with the ending?

No because it ended. 

How much does Harry Potter mean to you?

Uhh, do you even know me? For my sixteenth birthday I was flown down to Florida to go to Harry Potter world. I have multiple shirts, a hat, wand, shoes, sweatshirt, and two necklaces. Including a time turner. 

Well I hope that explained how big of a nerd I am. 

Not even mad,

Emily Jean Granger 

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