Monday, September 8, 2014

What is Good? What is Popping?

Well ever since school has started I've had a bit more time to myself!

Well except for last week... Haha I hung out with my mains last Saturday. We went to see "If I Stay" which was so good. I had read the book and actually saw it earlier that week... But we still all bawled. So good and Adam's smokin

After drying our eye ducts we headed over to the cutest little cafe. We ordered our food and chit chatted like normal women. Austi's meal was the best. On the menu it was named three cheeses. Lol when it came out it was literally just cold cheese and little pieces of ham stuffed into a sandwich. Me and Marth died. Well I died, and Martha offered Austi her sandwich like five times.

After finishing up our dinner we obviously had to order dessert. Austi and Marth both ordered the famous Nutella Shake and I ordered the classic strawberry and Nutella crepe. Diiiiivine

Skip forward to today. 

Shots. Shots. Shots.

Those three little nasties were worth it cause look what is real!
Ahhhh!!! Can my call just come in the mail?! So excited to see where the next year and a half of my life will take me. 

God is good. 



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